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Cosmos International
Training Institute (CITI)
CITI - Where Your Global Career Starts Here!

Centre Number: 27039

Branch Code: A47922

Centre Number: 2415

T&AC Code: S/TN/333

ALP 9164

AISECT University
Hazaribagh, Jharkhand (J.R), India
Cosmos International Training Institute (CITI)
is approved as a
Skill Knowledge Provider (SKP) Centre
by the AISECT Group of Universities
for admitting students to study through
Centre Number: A479222

All Indian Society for Electronics and Computer Technology (AISECT), established 31 years back with a novel concept of spreading computer literacy and technology training in rural mass in their mother tongue, is now the leading national network of ICT enabled services with over twenty thousand centers encompassing 28 states and 3 union territories of India. In these years AISECT has enlarged its area of operation from vocational training and computer literacy to skill development activities, financial inclusion, content development, e-learning & e-governance projects, higher education institutions and placement activities.
Three universities have been set up so for by
AISECT Dr. C V Raman University at Bilaspur (CG),
AISECT University at Patna (Bihar)
AISECT University at jharkhand (Jharkhand) and
AISECT University at Hazaribag (Jharkhand). Establishing of one more university at
Khandwa (Jharkhand) is in the pipeline.

AISECT University, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand (J.R) is Recognized & Accredited by
University Grants Commission (UGC)
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)

List of Prorgammes offered through PRIVATE and ONLINE modes by AISECT Group of Universities